Statnett is in the process of building its next-generation main grid. An important step towards the next generation main grid is to increase the grid voltage from 300 to 420 kilovolts (voltage upgrade).
This will be done by converting existing lines and 300 kilovolt substations, and by replacing some old and weak lines with new ones. In this way we can increase the capacity of each line, without using new routes. This will also contribute to the production of renewable energy.
An important prerequisite is that the new power line can be constructed with as few outages on the existing 300 kV power line as possible, ensuring that the grid capacity can be maintained during the construction period.
Demolition of the existing power line, and re-use of the same route, will entail long-term outages. This will reduce the grid transmission capacity significantly, which in turn will impact power trading capacity on the interconnectors to the Continent. Consequently, Statnett has applied for alternative route solutions for the first sub-section from Ertsmyra