As part of the long-term development of the main grid, it is necessary to modernise and upgrade the 300 kV power line on the Klæbu-Verdal-Ogndal-Namsos section to 420 kV.
There is a need for increased transmission capacity in the main grid, due in part to the need to ensure a stable supply of power in the region and to facilitate the construction of new green power in order to achieve Norway's climate goals. The upgrade of Klæbu-Namsos is also one of several major grid reinforcement measures necessary to enable larger amounts of new wind power to be connected to the main grid.
The existing line was put into operation with 300 kV of operating voltage in 1982/84. Results from recent years' R&D efforts in Statnett have made it possible to upgrade the current line to the higher operating voltage and thus higher transmission capacity. Statnett wants to convert some of the 300 kV power lines to 420 kV so that capacity can be increased in existing routes.