Statnett is central to the green transition now and for generations to come. A secure and robust power supply is vital to provide good quality of life and sustainable value creation.
Major increase in consumption of electrical energy in the years to come.
We are preparing for a major increase in power consumption, up to 260 TWh of annual consumption in 2050 compared to 140 TWh today. Significantly increased grid capacity and increased power production are needed within a short time to meet the consumption increases that society's various goals require.
Statnett will contribute to zero emissions in 2050 by facilitating accelerated electrification and value creation in an increased speed.
Our strategy sets the direction for the next ten years.
Our strategy sets the direction for the next ten years. The energy system is developed over decades, and in our business we say that 2030 is today and 2050 is tomorrow. We will ensure secure operations and an efficient power supply by continuing to develop tomorrow’s grid, as well as market and operating solutions, in the best interests of society.
The needs and expectations from the society around us are great. Our strategy states that we will transmit more power via existing grid, while at the same time reinforce the grid and build new power lines.
We will execute holistic power system planning through regional plans and the system development plan, in a close and trust-based collaboration with customers and partners.
There are a great will to develop offshore power production. Statnett will contribute to ensure a sustainable and optimal development of the power system offshore in a way that ensures coherence with the power system on land.
All of Statnett's business shall be based on sustainability and security in everything we do. We will cut emission levels systematically, as well as focus on sustainable transition, increased increase our physical and digital emergency preparedness.
In order to solve our task as a TSO in the best possible way, we dependent on the countries around us. We will have closer and operational Nordic and European cooperation to solve our common challenges.
Statnett facilitates the realization of Norway's climate goals, and value creation for our customers and society.