In order to achieve our ambition, we are prioritising the following areas in our environmental and climate strategy:
- Maintain our leading work to reduce negative impact on natural diversity and landscape values.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from our own activities, purchases and services.
These areas have been selected on the basis of our environmental impact and the environmental and climate risks we have charted.
Our environmental policy
Showing consideration for the environment constitutes a key aspect of our practical work. Our environmental policy focuses on our accepting holistic environmental responsibility in the planning, development and operation of our installations. The environmental policy is part of the Statnett HSE policy and comprises four elements:
- Statnett is to be a knowledge-based premise provider and an effective facilitator for the increased use of renewable energy as a replacement for fossil energy carriers. We are to contribute to reducing climate risk in the power sector.
- Statnett is to use life cycle analyses in the planning of new facilities, and to weight environmental and climate considerations on an equal footing with technical and financial aspects when making decisions.
- Statnett is to reduce negative environmental and climate-related impact in the development and operation of our facilities and offices. We are to make high environmental demands on our suppliers.
- Statnett is to meet authorities and affected parties with respect and superior environmental competence. Our environmental practice is to be transparent, in that our environmental assessments and performance are to be documented and communicated openly.
- Statnett must ensure compliance with applicable legal requirements and guidelines