The challenge
Society is on its way to a fully electric future. As electricity replaces fossil energy, we will need more flexibility at all network levels and there will be more intermittent production.
The goal
The project will investigate how we can stimulate increased access to and use of flexibility via a local flexibility market. The network companies in the project will be the first to have the opportunity to use this flexibility, for example to reduce or postpone new investments to achieve more secure network operation. The residual flexibility will be aggregated and offered in Statnett’s manual Frequency Restoration Reserve (mFRR). This will provide knowledge about how to make distributed flexibility available to both network companies and TSOs.
The project
The project is being led by Agder Energi, and for a three-year period the participants will jointly trial different technology solutions to stimulate more flexible power consumption at customers.
NorFlex consists of three demonstration projects. At Demo Glitre and Demo Agder, we will trial different technology solutions for this type of flexibility market. In the third, we will trial further aggregation to enable Statnett to utilise the residual flexibility to balance the Norwegian and Nordic power systems.
Project participants
- Agder Energi
- Glitre Energi
- Statnett
Support from ENOVA.
Self-funding from the project participants.