To succeed in reaching the zero-emission society, the power system must change radically. Not just in Norway, but throughout Europe and the rest of the world. The new power system will require more renewable production, new system operation and market solutions and more grids. All this requires increased cooperation across sectors and national borders. At the conference, we will also present the brand new "System Development Plan", which outlines how we will develop the power system going forward.

Host: Erik Aasheim, journalist and author 

This year's conference has three main titles

  • Race to Zero: A New Energy System
  • The Green Transition - Are We Up to the Challenge? (
  • The New Norwegian Energy System

    The conference program includes sessions in both Norwegian and English, with the first and third sessions conducted in Norwegian. The conference will be translated by professional interpreters.

Race to Zero: A New Energy System

An energy system fit for a zero-emission society, Hilde Tonne, President and CEO of Statnett

Keynote Speech, Terje Aasland, Minister of Petroleum and Energy

The Green Transition - Are We Up to the Challenge? 

Getting the power system ready for 2050, Manon van Beek, CEO and Chair of the Board of TenneT (video)

The North Sea as the future source of energy, Fintan Slye, Executive Director of the Electricity System Operator (ESO), National Grid

The green transition – will it happen? Jarand Rystad, CEO of Rystad Energy

EU's Grid Initiative – what's happening? Sonya Twohig, Secretary-General of ENTSO-E 

Panel discussion: Energy transition – how to get there?

  • Sonya Twohig, Secretary-General of ENTSO-E 
  • Jarand Rystad, CEO of Rystad Energy
  • Hilde Tonne, CEO of Statnett
  • Fintan Slye, Executive Director of the Electricity System Operator (ESO), National Grid

The New Norwegian Energy System

Presentation of Statnett's System Development Plan, Gunnar Løvås, Executive Vice President Markets & System Development, Statnett

How to operate a new energy system? Elisabeth Østreng, Senior Vice President for Development in System Operation in Statnett

Collaboration and task sharing between transmission and distribution system operators, Anne Nysæther, CEO of Elvia

Panel discussion: How can Norway succeed with the transition? 

  • Kenneth Sandmo, Head of Business and Industri Policy Departement at The Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO)
  • Anniken Hauglie, Deputy Director of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)
  • Kjetil Lund, CEO of the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate
  • Truls Gulowsen, CEO of The Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature / Friends of Earth Norway
  • Gunnar Løvås, Executive Vice President Markets & System Development, Statnett
  • Anne Nysæther, CEO of Elvia 

Ending notes, Nils Kristian Nakstad, Chair of the Board, Statnett